Podcast about what we trade in life, why & how, starting at birth, with milk.

Season 2

Nov. 29, 2023

Dr. Kate Burke – Farm Boots & Urban Suits. Different Story Hopes

Easiest way to contact Dr. Kate Burke: www.thinkagri.com.au/contact/ Easiest way to listen to Dr. Burke's book: Crops, People, Money and You The Art of Excellent Farming Link to listen to this book on Audible: https://www.aud...

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Nov. 11, 2023

Amar Nath Rai - Why Tasmania from India

www.facebook.com/IBATasmania www.pioneerglobal.com.au connect@pioneerglobal.biz

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Oct. 13, 2023

Luke Davies in Sheffield - Building better housing by building better stories

www.daviesconstruction.com.au Storybrand by Donald Miller An easy way in Tasmania to buy this book, Storybrand, online: Booktopia - https://www.booktopia.com.au/building-a-story-brand-donald-miller/book/9781400201839.html

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April 13, 2023

Kelsey Paske, Founder of Colab in Ulverstone on Network Effect Changing Power Dynamics Inside & Between Different Cultures

“Why did Kelsey Paske found Colab Hub in Ulverstone?” is what we start talking about. And why does Kelsey remain so focused on creating connection and collaboration through co-working and events in Ulverstone, Tasmania? Colab...

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Feb. 14, 2023

#24) Gordon Williams, CEO, KaLIBA on the Future of Business to Business Networking in Tasmania

#24) Gordon Williams CEO of KaLIBA on the Future of Business to Business Networking in Tasmania

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Jan. 17, 2023

Dr. Tom Lewis - Fermentation Economy Game, Not All Beer & Pickles for Tasmanians

Dr. Tom Lewis shares priceless story perspective changing Tasmanian food system culture - past, present & future, hope, fear & opportunities.

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Nov. 18, 2022

#22) Kim Seagram AM - Fermentation Transforms - FermenTasmania & Our Fermentation Economy with Chris de Bono of Meru Foods

Kim Seagram AM, a force of nature in the Tasmanian food industry, together with Chris de Bono of Meru Foods, a fellow food entrepreneur, describe their vision about what our shared future should look like. Why Fermentation Tr...

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Aug. 25, 2022

Chris Davis of The Van Diemen Project Swaps Inspiring Stories about his Magical Northwest Tasmanian Business Journeys

Chris Davis of The Van Diemen Project Swaps Inspiring Stories about his Magical Northwest Tasmanian Business Journeys

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July 24, 2022

Tom Grant of GrantFin on Blockchain, DeFi & Why Information Has Always Been The Most Valuable Currency We Trade

Tom explains how Walter B. Wriston of Citibank in 1984 used to say, "We don't trade currencies. We trade information."

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April 13, 2022

Taihlaura Denman-Francis of Kingthing in Launceston Talks Journey Branding

We chatted with local Launceston brand strategist Taihluara and explored the concept of 'Journey Branding' and how businesses can use this in their own marketing going forward. Taihlaura Denman-Francis , a finalist for the Yo...

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Jan. 27, 2022

Hazel shares Tasmanian journey secrets like why startups needed her startup Seedlab

Hazel has been constructing a big important part of the economy that feels like it's been missing in Tasmania. A part of our economy that feels too unseen, too undervalued & too unmeasured by too many decision stakeholders. S...

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