Podcast about things we trade in life, why & how, starting at birth, with milk.


Jan. 29, 2021

Chris de Bono of Meru Miso Foods in Tasmania on Story Value & Construction Process

Chris describes how his use of the story model described by Nancy Duarte in her Ted Talk, The Secret Structure of Great Talks, keeps making it easier to envision & build the kind of successful company that he's always dreamed...

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Oct. 7, 2020

Ian Jones from Burnie to Shenzhen & back on the new Milk Road

Ian shares his thoughts about the Milk Road based on his experience in China.

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Oct. 2, 2020

Gerard Castles - Creating a Powerful New Narrative for Your Business and Tasmania

Gerard shares his "Tasmania Together" story construction experience from the 1990's, why it was important then and how it works now.

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Sept. 22, 2020

Mike Buckby of Cape Grim Water in Tasmania

Mike shares his experience about brand building in Tasmania

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Sept. 3, 2020

David Morris on the Milk Road from the Silk Road

David Morris is Vice President of the United Nations Sustainable Business Network for Asia Pacific, which advises the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. He chaired the UN Asia Pacific Bus...

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